Our multidisciplinary team is interested in all sorts of environmental fluid flow problems. Undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral and visiting scholars are welcome to participate in ongoing research.
We investigate environmental fluid flow problems from an experimental perspective. Problems of interest include: turbulence and mixing in oceanic and atmospheric flows, and density stratified flows such as buoyant plumes and river outflows to the coastal ocean.
The EFLab is situated in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment of the University of Delaware in Newark. You are most welcome to visit our lab. Maybe we will be able to work with you on some new exciting research project!
We publish in peer reviewed journals such as Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Experiments in Fluids, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Physics Letters A, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Marine Research, Atmospheric Environment, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Journal of Fluids Engineering and many more.
We have several unique experimental facilities. One of the largest laboratory turntables in the US is being used to model river outflows to the coastal ocean.
Dispersion of atmospheric pollution in cities is being investigated in our water tunnel facility.
Flows in our density stratified flume mimics mixing processes in the ocean.
We work with people worldwide. We have collaborations with industry, academia and government agencies. One of our major source of research grants is the National Science Foundation. Groups that we have worked with include Du Pont, University of Cambridge and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)-BarcelonaTech, Spain.