Background Documents
Prior to constructing its wind turbine in Lewes, the University of Delaware had several studies conducted, reviewed many additional studies and reports, and held multiple meetings to identify and address any potential effects the turbine could have on nearby residents.
The documents below contributed to assessment and planning process.
Site-specific Studies

University of Delaware Technical Analysis for On-Site Wind Generation
May 2009 | full document (16.6mb pdf)

University of Delaware Technical Analysis for On-Site Wind Generation, Lewes Campus: Summary of Project Status
July 2009 | full document (458kb pdf)

Phase I Avian Risk Assessment: University of Delaware Wind Turbine Project
January 2010 | full document (2.2mb pdf)

Acoustic Study of the UD/Gamesa Wind Turbine Project, Lewes, Delaware
January 2010 | full document (609kb pdf)

Shadow Flicker Analysis for the University of Delaware
February 2010 | full document (797kb pdf)

Potential Presence of Endangered Wildlife Species at the University of Delaware Wind Power Project Site
February 2010 | full document (67kb pdf)

Turbine Visualization Assessment
February 2010 | full document (1.8mb pdf)

University of Delaware Lewes Campus Onsite Wind Energy Project, Lewes, Sussex County, DE (DOE/EA-1782): Final Environmental Assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact, Mitigation Action Plan
December 2010 | U.S. Department of Energy website

Sound Compliance Monitoring for the Gamesa Wind Turbine, UD-Lewes, Delaware
January 2011 | full document (704kb pdf)

Turbine Research and Output Summary, Presented at June 23, 2011 Public Meeting, Lewes, Del.
June 2011 | full document (15mb pdf)

Post-Construction Avian and Bat Impact Assessment of the University of Delaware Wind Turbine in Lewes, DE: Interim Report
May 2012 | full document (610kb pdf)

Marine Corrosivity Effort
December 2013 | full document (9.6mb pdf)
Other Resources

Post-construction Wildlife Monitoring at the Atlantic City Utilities Authority–Jersey Atlantic Wind Power Facility: Project Status Report IV
Fall 2009 | full document (44kb pdf)

The Impact of Wind Power Projects on Residential Property Values in the United States: A Multi-Site Hedonic Analysis
December 2009 | full document (3.7mb pdf) | key findings (1.1pdf)

The Potential Health Impact of Wind Turbines (Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario)
May 2010 | full document (58kb pdf)

Wind Turbines and Health: A Rapid Review of the Evidence (Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council)
July 2010 | full document (292kb pdf)

Firestone, J., Bates, A., and Knapp, K.A., See me, Feel me, Touch me, Heal me: Wind turbines, culture, landscapes and sound impressions, Land Use Policy, 46:241-249 (2015), Published doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.02.015. Open Access.
February 2015 | full document (775kb pdf)